Happy Birthday Trimama!
My Love turns 40 today.
Happy Birthday!
My Love turns 40 today.
Happy Birthday!
Posted by
Taconite Boy
9:04 AM
Well, ready or not here we go. The chills from my month long flu are still slightly around, but Im taking it quite easy this week in preparation for Saturday.
Then I saw this forcast
OMG....24 mph sustained up to 40 mph gusts
I hope that wind prediction settles down. I looked at a few other sites (weather underground/weather bug) they do not predict winds that high. I'm mentally preparing for the middle ground 18 mph head wind. This would be in the first 20 miles of the race like last year.
If your not familiar with Wildflower its the woodstock of Triathlon. About 4000 participants in 4 races over 2 days. Many of racers camp (we did our hard time last year camping...never again). The long course or 70.3 is considered one of the toughest in the world. Lots of climbing on the bike and the run is just plain ridiculous. 1/2 trail 1/2 road tons of big hills.
Tac heads in with 24 less pounds and better gearing for his bike. He's rested, thats for sure.
Looking forward to seeing Kahuna, Greyhound and Curly Su.
If anyone else is going this weekend please email us so we can meet up!
Try to post from CA as well
UPDATE: Tacky just razor shaved his legs.....Ohh la la....now he's really feeling dialed in.
Posted by
Taconite Boy
5:15 AM
Hopefully our banter is'nt getting to old. If it is, you can listen to our three rockin guests. Trisaratops, Momo and Lana. They were all awesome. Thanks girls for lowering your standards. :)
Bigun says he had some problems with the m4a version of the show. I did not. Let us know if it does not play properly. That is the version that has pictures and chapters and only plays on ipods.
Don't sweat with out...THE TACBOY N BIGUN PODCAST!
Posted by
Taconite Boy
8:01 AM
Woke up to this forecast this morning.
Is it possible? Could the cold dead tenticles of winter finally be leaving. I believe so!!!
Still sick. THE WORST FLU TAC HAS EVER HAD. I have never been this sick. Missed over a week of training now. Probably going to skip the Trailmix 25k run this Saturday. Will see. Not going to be ready for Wildflower the way I was planning.
The Tacboy N Bigun Podcast have a new episode up. This is the non-interview/interview podcast. You'll see what I mean.
We have a bunch of real interviews for the next one though :)
Just click on my sidebar link to go to the podcast on iTunes
Thoughts and prayers go to Commodore who had a rough day at IMAZ.
Happy spring everyone.
Update Wednesday 4/16
Feeling somewhat better. Still very weak. Biked an hour tonight and coughed a ton. Trying a swim/run brick in morning. Yikes.
Posted by
Taconite Boy
5:21 AM
Fever, chills and general crap feeling are here at the Tac Cave. So Its lots of soda (for the sore throat) and mama like treatment from the crazy sweet hottie hot one
Apparently Iron Kahuna has run into more of what Bigun and Tac termed 'annonyn-a-ass'. You know, those wonderful comments left by unknown cowards which are either insulting, hurtful or all of the above. Kahuna refered to the Milton poem 'Paradise Lost'. First making sure Bigun and I weren't the a-holes he was talking about :) , then making sure he wasnt refering to some show on ABC, I finally concluded that this poem was truly amazing. I became enthralled with the Milton classic and some of the interesting critiques, especially that of CS Lewis(Narnia Chronicles)
435 Pages! Separated into 12 books. Milton desired to bring the 'fall of man' biblical story to a more accessible level through his prose. He explored deeply the history of Satan, the unique sinless relationship of Adam and Eve, the final great deception, fall and Hope of future redemption. Basically great classic Christian literature.
Whew...that's what happens when your sicker then a dog, have no where to go with a laptop on your bed.
I'm fairly sure that Kahuna was referring to the pollution of the triblogosphere's from these nasty unknown commenter's who rear their ugly ass heads from time to time. What I found interesting was the idea that the blog paradise had been lost.
I didn't know we found paradise.
I don't think anytime you enter into a community of human beings you find paradise. Encouragement, camaraderie, laughter, tears of joy..and many other positive life affirming elements...absolutely!. All those can be found and enjoyed within our tri blog community. In fact, I have stated many times that Kahuna himself has been a major inspiration in the triathlon experience that I have enjoyed. Yet, whenever you enter a community of human beings you enter with GREAT RISK. Risk of feeling disappointed, hurt, frustrated, jealous...the list goes on. Maybe you have never had any negative feelings towards other bloggers before, but I would be ball face lying to say that I had not.
Were all broken people, most aspire to better ourselves everyday. Many of us make mistakes in things we say or write, hopefully we seek reconciliation and move on. Yet Milton is clear that innocence gave way to all new feelings...
"They sat them down to weep, nor only tears/ Rained at their eyes, but high winds worse within/ Began to rise, high passions, anger, hate,/ Mistrust, suspicion, discord, and shook greatly/ Their inward state of mind." Book IX, Paradise Lost
The resulting consequences and how to cope with a lost state of peace are matters of deep faith and philosophy. Speaking of faith, Trimama and I have recently had some shockingly disappointing relationships fail in our own church. All though this recent experience is nothing compared to the evils I've seen done to people I dearly loved within the 'church'.
I stopped long ago believing church was paradise.
No group of human beings (family, friends, church, tri-communities), no amount of money, no level of life dream accomplishments will ever encompass paradise. Milton was right...it was lost long ago.
Obviously as a Christian you all have a good idea where my faith and philosophy fall.
So yes Kahuna, Paradise is lost....but Milton also said in book XII, Hope is not.
Posted by
Taconite Boy
8:05 PM
This is a picture of your tri caped wonder heading out on his first BIKE RIDE OUTSIDE on Sunday.
Whoo hoo whoo hoo (does Tac have the longest head or what?)
That was the reaction of said superhero when he woke up 16 hours later to this...(one of the very roads I had just ridden)
Ahhh spring time birds chirping, out door riding and 10 inches of snow. &*@#%*##*@!!!!!
We are in major melt no though, 60's next week. :)
Tac opted out of the April fools hilarity, but did appreciate some of his fellow members posts like this and this.
Very nice boys
Tac out
Posted by
Taconite Boy
5:10 AM