Saturday, November 04, 2006

1/4 the way done...

just talked to her at 5:00, she seems good! Wants to see the tribe at the halfway mark..We'll be there


jbmmommy said...

What a great tribe to be there for Trimama. Hope the next 3/4 goes well.

Anonymous said...

And a big "Yay Tri-Mama" for 13:42.21!!! Awesome job!

Chris said...

Woohoo! I skipped ahead. Congrats to TM! We're going to have to get together sometime this fall or winter still. I want to hear the war stories first hand! :)

jbmmommy said...

I couldn't wait to check the results this morning. Way to smoke that IM race, Trimama! You are totally Iron!!

Bonnie said...

And a big "Yay Tri-Mama" for 13:42.21!!! Awesome job!