WIBA conclusion
Saturday Continued...
After the tough afternoon in the heat we headed back for showers and then out for dinner at a great brew pub in downtown Madison. The best part of that dinner was the agreement with the ride group(Walchka, Luke, Tac and TTK) that we were surprised by the bike course, but knew how to train for the next 8 weeks. The good beer, food and laughs didn't hurt either.Luke, TTK and Ryan listening to Coach Mike.
Sunday Morning..
Tac on his way out of Madison
Stopping for a pic at the lake
Taking a final look at Monona before September 9th.
The run was set 1.5 hours earlier to 7:30 because of the heat. Overall good run, with great company. I swear Robby B was our personal tour guide. He was explaining countless land marks and describing Ironman details throughout the first loop of the course. Thanks Rob! Tac will be rehearsing those notables to distract from the pain on Sept 9th!
Headed out to Endurance House after the run for some bike maintenance and final good bye's. The weekend was very busy, but very helpful in the training. Big Thanks go out to Iron Wil for putting all the organizing pieces together, Simply Stu and Robby B for their wonderful Madison hosting and the sponsors at BMC, Hammer and Cycle Ops.
Time to train on some hills, who's with me?
Tac Out
I was totally stoked you came out! 8 more weeks until showtime :)
I don't know how the chief confuses TTK with a women - he's really not gay looking or feminin at all...
You can count me in.(thoughts that appear in my cartoon bubble--Do I really have to? Well, if I don't Triathlons first super hero may find someone else to clean the Carbo-Pro off of his.....) Yeah, Tac Boy you can definitely count me in!
Hills, we don't need no stinking hills. We need HUGE hills, count me in.
Endurance House..... my favorite store ever.
I could shop there all day.
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