Monday, June 04, 2007

So I can't cook...No Freakin Kidding

So the tribe household has been quite active lately with the end of school this week, 1/2 Ironman preparations for me and Trimama catching up on a year and a half of book keeping that fell a wee behind with all this tri stuff we've been up too.

So when life is this crazy, it's important that certain spouses request favors that are in their known areas of expertise. For example Taconite Boy would not ask Trimama to retrieve a 312 fine finish tip with sealant gasket, because she would have no idea what to look for.

So when she asks the resident superhero to get the hamburger out of the freezer and defrost it and she finds the roast in the frying pan instead of ground beef, she had to know. Now the fact Tac did'nt even notice the written piece of paper frozen to the roast which said "Roast" is kinda pathetic, but hey living the dangerous life will cause one to miss some of the finer details.

Take a care when Tac's in the kitchen.

Tac out


DV said...

hey, meat's meat...
no problemo, right?

Tri-Dummy said...

I don't care who you are...that's funny.

tri-mama said...

Yes Trijack, meat is meat-unless it happens to be meat that takes 3-4 hours slow cook time vs 3-4 minutes fast cook and everyone is hungry. Roast tomorrow night- the straugonaff was excellent dear, thanks for holding down the fort.

Taconite Boy said...

see....see...this is what I deal with. Honey, why don't you go pick up some of that t77fl6 conversion varnish and get loaded up for a shoot.


greyhound said...

Maybe the superhero cape obscured the label on the meat.

Uhm, . . . hamburger. . . you know? You've eaten it before, right? You just pull those little patties off the hamburger tree and heat them up.

Bigun said...

Ya one ever asked Superman to iron his cape. You never saw an episode of Batman that had him vacuuming up the Batcave - TacBoy in the kitchen seems like an awful waste of our nations' natural resourses...I'm just sayin...

Iron Pol said...

Tri-mama's comment saves me asking the question "How did the roast turn out."

Because I was just assuming she bailed you out on that one.

Some of us got married because we needed a book keeper. Some got married because they needed to eat.

Apparently Tac Boy needed both. Good pick, Tac.

William Lobdell said...

what's a frying pan?

see. i comment. you're welcome.

Bigun said...

Attention everyone, can I have you attention PLEASE? Be advised, we are in security alert phase RED, repeat, phase RED - we have sighted a comment by the Kahuna himself, and it has been confirmed. All we can do now is pray, and hope for the best...I don't think even the Amaizing Taconite Boy can save us now....

Comm's said...

I'm with Tac. I can't cook and would never turn over a friend to the kitchen cops.